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Subconscious Mind in Me, You Know What to do, SO DO IT!

The subjective mind (Subconscious Mind) is entirely under the control of the objective mind (Conscious Mind). With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences whatever the objective mind impresses upon it; and the facts of hypnotism show that ideas can be impressed on the subjective mind by the objective mind, as well as by that of its own individuality. This is a most important point, for it is on this amenability to suggestion by the thought of another that all the phenomena of healing, whether present or absent, of telepathy and the like, depend. Under the control of the practised hypnotist the very personality of the subject becomes changed for the time being; he believes himself to be whatever the operator tells him he is: he is a swimmer breasting the waves, a bird flying in the air, a soldier in the tumult of battle, an Indian stealthily tracking his victim: in short, for the time being, he identifies himself with any personality that is impressed upon him by the will of the operator, and acts the part with inimitable accuracy. But the experiments of hypnotism go further than this, and show the existence in the subjective mind of powers far transcending any exercised by the objective mind through the medium of the physical senses; powers of thought-reading, of thought-transference, of clairvoyance, and the like, all of which are frequently manifested when the patient is brought into the higher mesmeric state; and we have thus experimental proof of the existence in ourselves of transcendent faculties, the full development and conscious control of which would place us in a perfectly new sphere of life.

Judge Thomas Troward

Subjective and Objective Mind - Chapter 4 - The Edinburgh Lectures


So...LET'S TALK....!!

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Closing Remarks and Affirmation

"Arise, shine, for thy light is come," was Isaiah's way of telling us to start living life fully and getting from it the rewards of our right thinking. Take one goal you seek. Declare that it is Spiritual and Divine. Affirm that the Law of Mind is now bringing this goal to pass. Do this several times each day for thirty days.
Never once let your mind speculate upon the possibility of not achieving your desire. Hold your thinking to the line of expectancy. Your daily treatments, plus the watching of your consciousness to prevent negation, will give the Law freedom to act. You will be amazed at the result.


Ramond Charles Barker


A mountain represents an exalted state of mind where the divine plan may be perceived and unfolded; a state of spiritual realization. The "high mountain" to which personality carries is in our spiritual uplift of consciousness of power over mortal thought in all its earthly avenues of expression. Going up the mountain to pray means elevating our thoughts and our aspirations to the spiritual viewpoint.


Charles Fillmore


Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.



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