The mass has been looking through the eyes of racial experience, and that has been the limit of the heights to which it has attained. We must close our eyes to this, and look at life through the eyes of Spirit, for if we are originated from Spirit, then it follows logically that whatever Spirit is in itself, we have the right to expect we can reproduce within ourselves.
This is a high standard viewed in the light of what man has achieved; so the tendency is to shrink from it and accept the lower standard. This means stagnation. Man must live up to the highest truth he knows, not the lowest. He must go on to higher experiences; and in order to experience the fullest good, he must mentally expect the highest good as the normal level of life for him.
Fredrick Bailes - Your Mind Can Heal You - P-146
So...LET'S TALK....!!
This Divine Wisdom within me guides every act, directs everything in my life, toward happiness, toward peace, toward power; and being the Spirit of Love, It surrounds me with beauty, with friendship and with joy. Being the Giver of Life, every day I receive that which is perfect, abundant, happy, joyful and free. Being that Divine Thing which individualizes in me, It is entirely individual, personal and unique. I am the expression of my own complete self, and there is no barrier or bar to that self-expression. Being the Spirit of Substance, that Spirit within me is the Father of Supply, and It brings to me everything necessary to my unfoldment, and keeps me in the wisdom through which It governs me, now and forever.
Ernest S. Holmes - Science of Mind Textbook - P 564
A mountain represents an exalted state of mind where the divine plan may be perceived and unfolded; a state of spiritual realization. The "high mountain" to which personality carries is in our spiritual uplift of consciousness of power over mortal thought in all its earthly avenues of expression. Going up the mountain to pray means elevating our thoughts and our aspirations to the spiritual viewpoint.
Charles Fillmore
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.